Red Chilli Powder

Red Chilli Powder

باقاعدہ قیمت 120 kr
ٹیکس شامل ہے۔

اسٹاک میں صرف 200 آئٹمز!

Red chili powder typically contains the following ingredients:

  1. Dried Red Chili Peppers: The main ingredient, providing heat and flavor.
  2. Salt: Sometimes added to enhance flavor and act as a preservative.
  3. Other Spices: Depending on the brand and recipe, additional spices such as cumin, coriander, garlic powder, and paprika may be added to enhance the flavor profile.

It's important to note that the exact ingredients may vary depending on the brand and type of red chili powder. Always check the packaging for the specific ingredient list and any allergen information, especially if you have dietary restrictions or allergies.

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